Warren Buffett's List: 5 Essential Books for Wealth Seekers

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In the Forbes list of people with the highest capital in the world, Warren Buffett appears as a great American investor, famous and expert in the stock market.

Thinking of sharing a little of his knowledge, the billionaire recommended some books on enrichment for those who want to start in the world of investments. After all, developing the habit of reading and delving into a topic of interest will put you ahead of the majority of the population.

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5 most recommended books to get rich investing.

See now the best books to help you with finances, according to Warren Buffett:

the smart investor

According to Buffet, this book is the best one to understand about investing. Its writer, Benjamin Graham, published it in 1949 and even today it has one of the best knowledge bases to start getting rich.

Business Adventures

Business Adventures is one of Warren Buffett's favorite books. And, portraying the life of the author, John Brooks, the work has twelve different stories approaching financial and corporate life on Wall Street.

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A curiosity is that this book was given as a gift by Buffett to Bill Gates.

Security Analysis

Also written by Benjamin Graham along with David L. Dodd. The work is a "summary" on all subjects addressing investments that were shared by Graham. Until its time of publication in 1934.

The most important thing for investors: lessons from a financial market genius

This book features several letters from Howard Marks' clients, and was published after Buffett himself convinced him. Since the author intended to launch the work only after retiring.

Ordinary Stocks, Extraordinary Profits: Don't Go With the Crowd

This work also brings an insight into the management of a company itself and not only in the financial field. Published by Philip Fisher and recommended by Buffett for finding the book interesting.


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