Consumption of dark chocolate helps in controlling cholesterol and regulates metabolism

Very consumed mainly by Brazilians, dark chocolate is made from roasted cocoa beans and does not have the addition of milk or large amounts of sugar. According to studies, candy offers many benefits, from physical to psychological. So check out the benefits of drinking dark chocolate.

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The best kind of chocolate

When it comes to the best type of chocolate to eat, especially after meals, it is preferable that you always opt for versions with at least 70% cocoa in their composition, known as "chocolates bitter”.

This is because, in the production of white chocolate and milk chocolate, a lot of sugar and saturated fats are added in order to make them sweet and more palatable. However, such compounds are not recommended for regular consumption and therefore should be avoided.

Dark chocolate benefits

  • increase in libido

Theobromine and phenylethylamine are two substances present in cocoa that work as sexual stimulants. In addition, phenylethylamine also acts as a neurotransmitter that helps release hormones associated with pleasure and well-being.

  • Blood sugar control

As long as it is in its 70% cocoa version, chocolate helps control blood sugar, since its glycemic index is very low. In addition, it also stimulates correct cellular function, as it helps to keep glucose regulated.

  • metabolism regulation

If consumed in moderation, dark chocolate acts as an excellent regulator of metabolism. That is, the organism manages to maintain an adequate body weight and its proper functioning.

  • Balancing cholesterol levels

Chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa in its composition manages to block the absorption of “bad cholesterol” (LDL) by the intestine. In addition, there is a fat present in cocoa butter that increases the "good cholesterol" (HDL), thus ensuring a better functionality of the organism, as it helps in the prevention of diseases of the heart.

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