5 Calcium-Rich Foods That Don't Contain Dairy

Calcium is a fundamental mineral for bone health and the main source of this nutrient is milk. However, be aware that there are calcium-rich foods that don't contain milk. Therefore, find out which ones you can find this mineral in to maintain the recommended daily intake.

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The recommendation for calcium intake per day is 1g. In this sense, milk and its derivatives are great options to achieve this recommendation. On the other hand, absorption of calcium from other sources, such as vegetables, is more efficient than through milk.

Therefore, calcium from foods of plant origin is better absorbed, although the amount of this nutrient is lower in them compared to those of animal origin. So, see now which are the plant foods rich in this mineral.

Calcium-rich foods that don't contain milk

1. tofu

Tofu is similar to cheese, but it is made from soybeans. Thus, he is a great option for vegetarians and vegans. It is also very useful for making preparations similar to scrambled eggs and cheese.

2. Spinach

Dark green leafy vegetables are generally good sources of calcium, but spinach is one of the main ones. Therefore, it is excellent for reaching the calcium recommendation, in addition to having few calories, so it is also a great option for the weight loss process.

3. Sesame

Sesame contains a very considerable amount of calcium per 100g compared to other foods. So invest in this food. It can be used in salads and recipes for bread, fish, among others.

4. Oat

Oats are rich in fiber and B vitamins, help reduce cholesterol levels and are also a good source of plant-based calcium. In addition, its consumption can be done in different ways, such as porridge, cakes and over fruits.

5. Chickpea

Chickpeas belong to the legume family, of which beans also belong. It can be used in salads, and it can also be used to make pastes such as hummus. This food has a good amount of calcium and can help you consume your daily 1 g of this mineral.

Finally, you already know 5 foods rich in calcium besides milk. In this way, always vary the sources so that you can consume a greater amount of this mineral and reach the daily recommendation, since it is a really important nutrient for health.

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