Rise in mental health problems in young people raises concerns

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The phase of adolescence, between 10 and 19 years old, is the period that considerably defines what adult life will be like. Aspects such as exposure to poverty, abuse or violence, together with considerable physical, emotional and social changes, can affect the mental health of teenagers. Therefore, the promotion of their psychological well-being and a support network protects this population from possible problems that affect their ability to develop fully in adult life. Learn more about it below:

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Why has the mental health of young people been so shaken?

The mental health of a adolescent is determined by several factors. The greater the exposure to risk situations, the greater the impact on mental health, as this is the age group most vulnerable to situations that seriously affect their lives. Therefore, if psychological and emotional problems are not recognized and treated, the susceptibility to develop mental illnesses is great.

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Read now what the report says about mental health in young people in recent years:

How is mental health in young people in recent years?

A report released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which compares the health situation in Europe, demonstrated that in the pandemic period, in 2019, the percentage of people between 15 and 24 years old with depressive symptoms was 6% against 7% among adults. With the Coronavirus, the numbers grew in all countries that had this data.

The OECD reported that the proportion of young people with symptoms of depression has become at least 50% higher than in the general population, reaching twice as high in some countries. In Norway, for example, the number of young people with depression has increased to 42.5% compared to 17.1% in the adult population. Countries such as the United Kingdom, Austria, Sweden, Spain and Italy also had their data released and in all of them the reality was the same.

Elements such as social isolation and confinement would be among the factors that harmed the psychological well-being of young people. The neglect of mental health observed in 2020 was also greater than in 2019, which reinforced the picture of problems related to psychological illnesses. Therefore, identifying and treating this population is fundamental, since they will be responsible for the existence of a more productive and humane society in the future.

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