THESE 5 signs prefer to be alone, despite not being lonely

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There are people who prefer hustle, noise and being surrounded by lots of friends. On the other hand, there are those who are more reserved and prefer to be alone, but this is not synonymous with loneliness.

There are those who think better alone and, before making any decision, prefer to enjoy a good and long silence to be able to understand what is going on inside them. And of course, astrology has an answer for this type of behavior.

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According to astrologers, there are signs that can be happy alone and prefer to stay that way. Find out what they are below!

5 signs who like to be alone


Aquarians are known for their introspective nature and tendency to live in their own thoughts. They often put emotions on the back burner, opting for a more rational approach to their lives.

When choosing their companions, Aquarians value intellectual connection and seek out people who share exciting interests and ideas. For them, emotions are not as prominent in their way of being.

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Aquarians are masters of the art of solitude, finding pleasure in being alone. It is important to emphasize that solitude should not be confused with solitude. For them, solitude is a comfortable state for making decisions.


Sagittarians are passionate about freedom, being the driving force in their lives. Those who seek freedom are not comfortable with being held accountable for their desires and actions.

Your independence is essential to your relentless pursuit of new experiences and exciting discoveries.


Virgos are known to be emotionally reserved, being considered lone wolves among the signs. While they may seem present by your side, engaging in pleasant conversation, laughter and fun, it will be a challenge to work your way through accessing your emotions.


Scorpios are known to be loners by nature. It is rare to find a Scorpio-ruled accompanied, as they prefer to live independently. For him to open up his world and reveal his deepest emotions, it is necessary to gain his absolute trust.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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