Cat lying on your lap, do you know what it means?

We know that people have been raising pets for a long time, especially cats. These animals are very docile and affectionate and seem to dialogue with the owner through their daily gestures.

Those who love this type of pet don't even bother leaving the house with their clothes full of fur or having them grow curling around their legs all the time, as they understand that this ends up being a sign of having received love from their pet

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This is because cats are suspicious and faithful and are not very affectionate with anyone. Before, for them, you need to know the human and trust so that he can surrender and dissolve in affection.

When this happens, kittens usually even stay in people's laps, they even end up sleeping on our legs and that has a reason, you know?

Meaning of the cat lying on your lap

  • Security

By animal instinct, the cat is constantly on watch because, just as he is ready to venture out on a hunt, he understands that he himself can be the hunt, which is why he does not hesitate.

When this animal rests on your lap, it means that he is feeling absolutely safe and that you would never harm him.

So never scare him in such a situation, he might never trust you again.

  • Knowledge

Each human has a particular and unique smell. The animal, cats and dogs, know how to identify and distinguish each one of them. When he lays on our lap, he ends up taking the opportunity to reinforce this process of recognizing the owner.
Cats also use their nose to know where we are going. They check to see if we've been around other animals, or flowers, or other humans.

  • Approximation

When the relationship of trust is established between animal and human, especially its guardian, the obvious also happens; the animals seek to narrow even more this affectivity.

It's like they want to make you and him one. The same smell. The same identity, so he starts marking his territory on your lap too, but with warmth

Finally, it is worth highlighting a curiosity: when we caress the kitten that is in our lap, we transmit for him the maternal sensation of his mother's warmth, so he stays to one side, as he remembers the act of suckle.

So, now that you know why the cat is lying on your lap, how about taking the moment to pet your pet even more?

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