Experts Reveal 4 Places You Should NOT Tip!

Whether it's leaving an extra coin or two when paying for your breakfast or adding 20% ​​at the end of a restaurant meal, tipping is a normal part of doing business.

Learn from etiquette experts places where tipping is not required. Find out when it's appropriate to express gratitude for service and when it's best to refrain.

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1. Flight attendants

Few jobs require more understanding than flight attendants. After all, the flight attendants who serve drinks and meals during the flight are not only responsible for dealing with unruly passengers, but also for their safety in an emergency.

However, the automatic tipping instinct when receiving your drink may not be appropriate on an airplane.

2. When traveling in some countries

The most attractive thing about traveling abroad is that you can experience a culture that is different from your own. Above all, tipping is common here in Brazil, but it may not be common in the country you are visiting.

So keep this in mind when booking dinners, tours and accommodations in other countries.

3. Restaurants with gratuity included

Restaurants have long been an example of a business where it is customary to tip 20 or 10% for good service. However, not all restaurants work the same way, even those where the tip is already on the menu or on the bill.

Therefore, it is not necessary to tip when visiting prepaid or all-inclusive restaurants. However, in many cases, this may be the policy of haute cuisine or haute cuisine restaurants.

4. Professional or health services

First, filing tax returns and managing your health are important tasks that often require outside help. However, this does not mean that you are required to deposit additional funds into your account for the services provided.

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