Japanese sports practiced in Brazil


Sport that emerged in Hokkaido in 1947, a game of clubs that entered Brazil in the 70s, most practitioners are elderly, but recently young people are practicing.

According to some accounts, the first immigrants who came on the ship Kasato Maru, in 1908, transported in their luggage specialized equipment for the practice of the sport, later, in 1916, the first team was formed in the Brazil.

It is a sport that fits as a martial art that emerged from jiu-jitsu and was adapted by the master Jigoro Kano, he had the philosophy that physical activity should be added to intellectual and moral.

Sport practiced with the sword, originating from the millenary Japanese fencing that was previously performed by samurai, arrived in Brazil in the 70s.

It is a martial art originated in Japan, in the 20s, by the master Morihei Ueshiba, also known as Ô-Sensei. This sport specializes in upper hand and finger twists, as well as imbalances.

Sumo is a martial art of Japanese origin that arrived in Brazil from immigrants in the first years of the twentieth century, however, the first championship played in Brazil took place in 1914, in the interior of São Paul. In 1962 the São Paulo Sumo Federation was created and only in 1998 the Brazilian Sumo Federation.


It is a Japanese martial art that emerged from the Chinese kenpo, it is a sport specializing in blows such as kicks and punches. Karate arrived in Brazil in the 50s through the Japanese colony in São Paulo and later the sport spread to all states.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/japao/esportes-japoneses-praticados-no-brasil.htm

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