Anxiety in dogs can be similar to human anxiety

Studies show that behavior problems in dogs can be compared to anxiety disorders in humans, revealing important biological factors related to psychiatric conditions. For example, canine compulsive disorder is similar to human obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), both in terms of phenotype and neurochemistry.

Behavior problems in dogs are a frequent occurrence. Excessive barking, destructiveness, aggression and fear are the most common behavioral problems. The prevalence of noise sensitivity ranges from 20% to 50% in studies. 20 to 25% of dogs are fearful of strangers and situations such as separation anxiety are found in 14 to 20%. The occurrence of anxiety with sensitivity to noise was also noted.

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In a survey, seven characteristics similar to anxiety in dogs were verified through an online questionnaire answered by the owners of the animals. Features include noise sensitivity, fearfulness, fear of surfaces, inattention/impulsivity, compulsive behavior, aggression, and separation-related behavior. A total of 13,715 responses were received from 264 dog breeds, with the majority of dogs being female (51.5%) and having an average age of 4.7 years.

Problematic behaviors were identified in 72.5% of the dogs. Noise sensitivity was the most common problem, with 32% of dogs having an intense fear of at least one type of noise. Fear itself comes in second, with 29% of dogs exhibiting this behavior. The behavior related to separation and aggression are the least common, with prevalences of 5% and 14%, respectively.

Fear of fireworks is the most common reason related to noise sensitivity, with a 26% prevalence. Fear of other dogs is the most common reason among fear factors. Aggression against human family members is reported more than aggression against strangers. Among reported traits of compulsion, self-biting is the most common.

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