All those who quit their jobs without just cause will receive a higher amount of Unemployment Insurance in 2022. This is because the aid had a readjustment of 10.16%, according to the 2021 National Consumer Price Index (INPC).
Therefore, the value unemployment insurance cap will increase, going from R$ 1,911.84 to R$ 2,106.08, totaling a difference of R$ 194.24. On the other hand, the floor will continue to vary according to the minimum wage and will only increase from R$1,100 to R$1,212.
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However, it is important to note that the new amounts have already been paid since last Tuesday (11). In addition, they are valid both for those who are already receiving Unemployment Insurance and for workers who are yet to apply to receive the benefit.
New Unemployment Insurance ceiling value
Benefit installments are calculated based on the average of the last three wages paid to the employee before dismissal. Thus, after readjusting the salary ranges, unemployment insurance will be defined as follows:
- If the average salary is up to R$ 1,858.17, the value of the installment will be 80% of the average salary or minimum salary, whichever is higher;
- If the average salary is from R$ 1,858.18 to R$ 3,097.26, the value of the installment will be 50% on what exceeds R$ 1,858.17, plus a fixed amount of R$ 1,486.53;
- If the average salary is above R$ 3,097.26, the amount of the installment will remain constant at R$ 2,106.08.
Worker's rights
Unemployment Insurance is paid to any worker who has been dismissed from their job without just cause. The benefit usually has three installments, and can reach five. The number of payments depends on how many months the employee has been in paid employment in the previous job and the number of insurance entries. The process can be done through the Emprega Brasil Portal, from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
However, to be able to access the Unemployment Insurance, the citizen cannot have another employment relationship. The deadline for applying may vary between the 7th and the 120th day of dismissal, for formal employees, and between the 7th and 90th day, for domestic employees.
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