Data study reveals 16 geniuses share a common daily habit

Imagine if you could follow the same habit as the most famous creative geniuses in the world? That, perhaps, would tap into something magnificent in all of us! And that's exactly what an expert was able to identify.

It seems that many of the geniuses we've seen in history have a common thread. All of them, without exception, slept seven to nine hours every night. This fascinating discovery is based on a graph created by RJ Andrews, a data visualization expert and founder of Information Graphics Studio Info We Trust.

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RJ Andrews' chart reveals the 24-hour patterns of the 16 most famous geniuses of all time. These geniuses include renowned figures such as Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Charles Dickens, Benjamin Franklin and Maya Angelou.

Good sleep can make you a new genius

The graphic in question presents information extracted from the book “Daily Rituals”, by Mason Currey. In this work, Currey explores the daily habits of 161 geniuses from diverse backgrounds. These data were obtained from personal diaries, interviews and writings that address the routine of these induced individuals.

While it is not possible to determine how many of the geniuses mentioned in the book consistently had a good night's sleep, experts suggest the Andrews chart likely reflects the trend general.

Scientific studies indicate a significant connection between creativity and sleep, proving the benefits of sleep for virtually every aspect of brain functioning. Experts emphasize that a healthy brain is essential for us to be creative.

In addition to the importance of sleep, the daily habits of geniuses show that many of them adopted the practice of physical exercises. Of the 16 geniuses mentioned, 10 of them were in the habit of walking daily, and some even walked more than once a day.

For example, Charles Darwin used to go on three achieved walks, many of them in the company of a pet. Research confirms that walking has preserved benefits for mood and brain function, especially when performed in natural settings.

Therefore, if you still don't have an established daily routine, science recommends practicing physical activities that are to your liking. Do more of what you like! Consider including some time devoted to walking or other forms of exercise.

Also, it's crucial to set aside enough time to ensure you get a good night's sleep. After all, it is by allowing yourself to have a healthy routine that you can unlock your creative potential and awaken your own inner genius.

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