3 signs that YOU are the problem in your relationship

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Sometimes it's so much easier to blame your partner for anything. relationship problem than admitting your own mistakes. And that's why we think it's necessary to bring the main signs that maybe you're to blame for some problems.

Although these are difficult things to admit, you have to stop to understand if there are things to be resolved within the relationship.

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3 signs that you are hurting your relationship

Understand what you might be doing wrong with your partner:

1. you are always dissatisfied

Even if a lot of time passes and you feel dissatisfied in your relationship every day, it could be that you are struggling to accept your partner as he is.

We all have flaws and qualities, and it's impossible to be perfect on a daily basis and demand perfection from others we live with. If you tend to only look at the flaws and mistakes your partner makes, this is a sign of that you need to rethink the way you face it or perhaps rethink whether or not to continue in the relationship.

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Another sign of ongoing dissatisfaction in your relationship is having unrealistic expectations about your partner's actions. Like, for example, believing that he is responsible for your happiness or expecting him to be doing everything for you 24/7.

2. You don't talk about your mistakes

Before entering into a relationship, it is necessary to understand that there will always be uncomfortable conversations and problems that need to be resolved maturely.

Some uncomfortable conflicts are necessary, which should not be ignored and “sweeping problems under the rug”, but it is also necessary to have emotional balance to know how to direct the discussions in a clear way, without shouting, cursing and accusations.

Also, it's no use always wanting to talk pointing out the other person's mistake. First of all, you need to be self-aware of your own behavior and put your ego aside to learn to admit when you make a mistake and be willing to improve.

3. you don't want to give in

The last point that needs to be considered is that, in addition to knowing how to be a more positive person with others and developing ability to admit your mistakes, it is essential to really strive to improve your actions within the relationship.

That's why actions are worth a thousand words. Thus, it is necessary not only to improve your communication with your partner, but also to demonstrate that you are learning from him and that prioritizes the relationship in your life, of course, if you really want to continue with this person.


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