Loyalty test service is a hit on the internet; Understand

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A video of a student named Lídia Luiza Bertoncello, 23, who has been offering a very unusual service, went viral on the internet. Through social networks, it offers a loyalty test service. It works like this: she starts talking to people on Instagram and then they arrange to exchange phone numbers, maintaining a conversation on WhatsApp to arrange a meeting.

A girl bet R$ 500 with a friend that her boyfriend was faithful. The boy fell into the influencer's trap and the video went viral on TikTok, reaching 8 million views.

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In an interview, the influencer said that she does this every day and with many people, between men and women. Her victims are people who are in a relationship, but there is a certain distrust going on with their partner.

Values ​​are combined by direct, where the girl comments that the value of the service is low. Tiktoker makes the approach until the unfaithful decides to arrange a meeting.

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The girl started offering this service after it helped her get out of a bad relationship. She says that she has carried out more than 4,000 tests online and that less than 500 “victims” have not accepted her advances.

Tests started due to own experience

Lídia lived in an abusive relationship and suspected of infidelity, she asked a friend to start a conversation with her then-boyfriend on Instagram, until he arranged a meeting. And so, finally with the prints in hand, she managed to get out of the relationship.

After the incident, the girl began to offer this service with the intention of helping her friends and other people free of charge. But what she didn't imagine is that demand would be high, even creating a queue. Today she works with it, and has done up to 40 tests in one day.

She says that she got very involved with her clients' cases, feeling sad when her partner failed the test. Today, she says she is more used to it and copes better with the situation, as she manages to separate it from her life and face it with something professional.

How it works?

Lídia is still studying and is looking for other girls to work with her. She creates a story, like a script, pulling a work subject, for example. Thus, the young woman discovers habits, schedules, everything so that the person believes the story.

The time for the person to actually pass the test varies widely, from 15 minutes to over two months of conversations. In order not to get lost, she says she creates a well-organized system so she doesn't forget and can pass on all the information and prints to the person who hired her.

Often, when Lídia arranges the meeting, the person who goes to the meeting place is her partner. But she points out that if the person is suspicious and wants to take the test, they have to know how to deal with the result of it all.

If the person discovers the betrayal and does not end the relationship, it could generate even more suffering and wear on the relationship. The girl believes that it is only worth it if it is for the person to create strength and leave the relationship for good.

The girl comments that when approaching her, men always have the same conversation. Most people who hire the service have already been betrayed before and want to find out if the person has really changed, or they have a mistrust in their partner and want to confirm their doubts.

Currently, the influencer is in a relationship and says she found someone nice, who understands her professional side without feeling jealous. So, after living in an abusive relationship and experiencing testing, she was able to find someone she can trust.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.


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