5 foods to make kids smarter and boost development

The first years of life are very important for several reasons, after all, it is at this stage that character begins to be formed, as well as the construction of values ​​and also preferences. In addition infancy it is a crucial period for brain development. In this sense, we list which are the foods that leave the smarter kids.

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Foods to make kids smarter

Children's food should contain nutrients ranging from vitamin A to zinc. That is, it is necessary to ingest the entire “alphabet” through nutrition! Jokes aside, this stage of life really requires all the nutrients for child growth and development to take place fully.

Beans and other legumes

Beans and other legumes (chickpeas, lentils, etc.) are excellent sources of iron, which is important for the formation of haemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen in the body. The absence of adequate iron stores can lead to anemia and, consequently, compromise children's learning.


Fish are excellent sources of omega 3, which is a key nutrient for brain connections. It is important to remember that the brain system of children is still in formation and is only completed at the end of adolescence. Therefore, it is worth investing in foods rich in omega 3, such as salmon, tuna and sardines.

milk and derivatives

Milk and its derivatives are the main sources of calcium in the diet. This nutrient, in turn, is essential for bone formation, and perhaps this is its most well-known function. However, what many people do not know is that calcium is also necessary for the transmission of information between neurons, so it is equally important for the nervous system.


The avocado is a superfood. This fruit is rich in good fats, vitamin A, and minerals like zinc. These nutrients are essential for good brain function and also for vision. Therefore, avocado must be part of the diet of the little ones.


Eggs are rich in various nutrients, such as vitamin B12, which plays an important role in brain function. In addition, the deficiency of this vitamin can cause anemia, which makes children weak and listless. So be sure to include eggs in children's food.

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