Man takes revenge on brother during wedding and creates controversy

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If you've ever thought about asking someone to marry you, you've certainly wondered what would be the ideal occasion to do so. Well when it comes to these two brothers, it seems that some etiquette rules have passed away from both! A young man decided to propose to his girlfriend on the same day his brother's wedding was celebrated.

The story, which seems like a movie plot, ends in revenge! Understand everything below.

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The wedding is the most important day for the bride and groom; and man screwed up

When a couple decides to get married, the hope is that the moment will be unique in both their lives. Therefore, nothing can overshadow the brightness of the two on that day, even if we are talking about great news coming from people we love. Don't you agree that there is a time and place for everything? So it is!

After deciding that the best time to propose to his girlfriend was on the same day as his brother's ceremony, a boy – who didn't want to change his mind about the occasion to order – ended up getting his change some time after. That's right: there was revenge for deciding to disrupt the bride and groom's most important day.

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On Reddit, the brother who was engaged at the time, a 35-year-old man, decided to tell Internet users his revenge plan against the 29-year-old youngest, who interrupted his party to propose to his girlfriend.

First, the brother drew the background of the family relationship: the 29-year-old brother was always the family's favorite, to the detriment of him and another sister. Consequently, nothing was denied this young man named Todd.

At the forum, the man vents that it was common for Todd to want to be the center of attention, even when the special occasion didn't concern him. Because of this, their relationship has always been surrounded by tensions.

When he decided to throw a wedding party to celebrate his union with Michelle, his fiancée, he soon learned that Todd was planning to propose to his girlfriend on the same day as his younger brother's party. old.

To avoid fights, the boy talked to his brother, who refused to change his mind. It was then that the revenge plan began. He hired an actress to pretend to be the lover from Todd and show up during the proposal.

The story did not end well, as the brother's girlfriend denied the marriage proposal by throwing the ring in his face, and left. The two had a son, but the girl did not allow Todd to visit him and put all her belongings out of the house.

The boy said he did not resolve the confusion and still charges his brother for the wedding costs, as he tried to overshadow the party. On the Reddit forum named after pretty revenge, users supported the brother's revenge.
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