Get ready! This new device could revolutionize space exploration

A new device that was custom-built for use on space missions by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) could revolutionize the search for life beyond Earth. It is a laser device capable of detecting alien life on distant planets.

In addition to being very promising, an important detail is the practicality of such a device, which fits in one hand, being much smaller and more efficient than the previous ones used for the same function. The laser is an essential tool for scanning alien life, as it does not endanger planetary and biological samples from other planets.

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Weighing in at just over seven kilos, the device is a combination of two other tools, but compacted to be an ultraviolet laser pulse that removes small samples of material, while the scanner dubbed "Orbitrap" delivers high-quality data on the chemical composition of such material. sample.

How will the new device be used?

According to the main creator of Orbitrap, Professor Ricardo Arevalo, the device was initially designed for commercial use. “You can find them in pharmaceutical, medical and proteomics industries. The ones I have in my own lab weigh just under 400 pounds – so they're pretty big. It took us eight years to make a prototype that could be used effectively in space,” he said.

However, the device and the technique used by it to analyze the samples have not yet been tested on any planet outside of Earth. Earth. However, Professor Arevalo informs that the Orbitrap brings the same benefits as the previous devices, but it is a simplified version for future space exploration, including missions and journeys for others planets.

What makes the Orbitrap stand out is its small size and weight, coupled with its low power requirement. generated for its use, and it can be stored and energized in the charge of a space probe, for example.

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