It's time to save! Learn to spend less on school supplies

It's that time of year again: the beginning of the school year. The period is always accompanied by a lot of anxiety from students and parents. The first for the back to school and the second for the very expensive list of school supplies.

It is common for parents to complain about spending a lot of money on the gadgets that their children will use during the school year. After all, school supplies are really expensive when you put everything at the tip of the pencil: Didatic books, pens, notebooks, backpacks and everything in between.

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Here we separate seven ways for you to spend less on this list of items in 2023. It's time to save! Let's go?

7 ways to spend less on school supplies

See if you can use something from last year

Much of what was purchased last year is still usable this year: pens, backpack, case, binder and colored pencils, for example. Calculate more or less how long these items will last and plan to buy in the coming months.

Go through the list with a fine-tooth comb

Take a careful look at all items on the list. Know that, by Federal Law nº 12.886/2013, the school cannot ask for items for collective use, such as toilet paper, reams of leaves, disposable cups and cleaning products.

Before enrollment, ask to see the list of school supplies

This tip is more to avoid any unpleasant surprises at the beginning of the school year. Before closing enrollment, ask to see the type of materials the school will use in the coming months to program itself.

Buy where you like best

One very important thing: the school cannot dictate where you buy your child's school supplies. Much less require that items be purchased within the educational institution. She can point out where it is easier or where judge be cheaper. But in the end, it's the parents' choice!

Do your research – and haggle at the end!

Just like you do to buy your iphone or your t-shirt, search all possible stores for materials. You can buy an item cheaper in one and another in another. Be sure to haggle and negotiate a discount, especially if you're buying a lot of school supplies in one place.

leave the kids at home

This tip is paramount: leave your child at home. The tendency is that they want to take a handful of items that are not on the list of school supplies, or else opt for some items that are “fashionable” among their colleagues.

Whenever possible, pay in cash

Cash payment almost always guarantees you more discounts. On the contrary, the installment tends to be more costly in your pocket, with interest and additions that are often unfair.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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