Chinese spy balloon issues alert in the United States; know more!

You U.S are on alert because of a spy balloon flying over North American air. The airborne object caused discomfort because it was in an area that contains security information about the country, an inappropriate place for such spying. Officials issued a statement revealing there was a high chance the balloon belonged to China.

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The balloon was located in Montana and was not shot down so that there was no debris in the locality. The state does not have a large population and is home to the country's war powers, such as nuclear missiles. The balloon appeared to be flying over the site in order to collect information and data about Malmstrom Air Force Base.

In its defense, the Chinese government understood that the accusation should not be made until the case is concluded. Representatives of USA raised the matter with the Chinese embassy, ​​according to AFP. The Chinese said to wait for the conclusion of the case: "until the facts are clear, making conjectures and exaggerating the issue will not help to resolve it properly".

An official who decided not to be identified said that the White House is ready to take down the object, just missing a signal. However, the slaughter is not considered due to the possibility of falling parts of the balloon in residential places.

This Friday, February 3, the Government of Canada informed that it is awaiting a possible incident regarding a surveillance case, but did not provide details about the case and the possibility that it happened in the US. They said they are working closely with the United States to "protect Canada's confidential information from foreign intelligence threats."

To explain what has happened, the official and US Defense reported that this is a considerable threat of data leakage and stated that there is no danger to civil aviation.

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