See how to find out who is cheating on you by message; check the signs

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No one deserves to go through that feeling of being cheated on by someone important, especially when you are lovingly connected to them. With that in mind, some researchers have developed a study whose result may show who may be deceiving you.

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Is someone cheating on you? know who

Who never felt that bad feeling that someone on the other side of the screen is cheating on you? Living with this suspicion is not cool. Faced with this reality, some specialists in psychology and related areas have developed a survey to identify those individuals who are not honest and who are lying to us.

Talking face to face and texting are two totally different conditions. Talking face-to-face with someone allows the other to notice some signs that something is wrong just noticing the way of speaking, the constant exchange of glances and some gesture that is involuntary in the liar.

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While this seems pretty tricky to detect in texts, Cornell University has shown that there are ways to investigate this and immediately recognize who might be lying to you. Know some of these details and be smarter the next time you talk to someone.

How to identify who may be scamming you by message

According to studies disclosed, the amount of words that are sent by text message say a lot about who you are with dealing with, often those who are lying type fewer words to avoid opportunities to get trapped in their own words. The use of non-committal pronouns and phrases are some of the examples to look out for when talking to the person in question.

Uncertainty phrases are another lie indicator used so liars don't have to commit to a particular story, leaving their intentions ambiguous. For example, liars might use "probably" or "possibly".

With regard to both sexes, it is important to be aware that women and men do not behave the same way when it comes to lying! People in general tend to communicate more briefly and even objectively when they are feeding you a lie. True answers are more spontaneous.

Experts say this is due to the way we all behave when faced with a lie.

Women, relative to men, tend to use more pronouns and write only the basics. Men explain themselves more, although nothing is true in their statements. In general, non-committal words such as “maybe”, “will try” and “it's likely” are the ones most often typed when the person is lying or dodging.

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