According to your sign, which is the best pet for you?

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Currently, having pets at home has been an option for many people. However, in the act of choosing, taking into account the breed of the animal and whether, in fact, it will suit you is very important. According to research, your sign can be a great starting point for choosing your new partner.

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In the art of arrogance, there are 4 signs that stand out

Valuable advice when choosing your pet

Check out the perfect animals for each sign now:


A very agitated sign. Therefore, the ideal is to choose an animal that can keep up with your energy levels.

Example: Ferret, Border Collie dog.


Known to be quite laid-back and fond of lots of love, low-maintenance and cute pets are good options.

Ex: Hamster, turtle.


They are extremely communicative people. Agitated and talkative animals are ideal for this sign.

Ex: Parrot, cockatiel.


Despite being sometimes cold, they are people who also like affection. Animals that are very needy is ideal for Cancers.

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Ex: Guinea pig, Siamese cat.


People who like to be surrounded by beautiful things. Beautiful and imposing animals is a good option for them.

Ex: Bengal cat, German spitz dog.


Sign that carries the routine and organization. Quieter and less messy animals will always be the choice of Virgos.

E.g. Aquarium fish.


Balanced Libras like to be surrounded by beauty, but they also like to give and receive love.

Eg: Rabbit.


Characterized by being brave and mysterious, the less common and more daring animals will always be part of the choice.

Ex: Snake, lizard, chinchilla.


Because they carry a free spirit, Sagittarians will usually opt for more active and adventurous animals.

Ex: Horse, dog.


Characterized by being extremely busy people, the ideal is to opt for more independent and less needy animals.

Ex: Guinea pig, rabbit.


Aquarians always like to have their space, so animals that don't bother them and won't need much attention are ideal.

Ex: Lizard, cockatiel, mini pig.


They are people who love to receive affection. Those who like to be close and have full attention may be a good option.

Ex: Fish, dog, cat.

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