Financial life renewed in 2023 with Serasa Consumer: 6 exclusive services

The end of the year is a time to plan and set goals for the coming year. As our financial life has a great impact and can be responsible for happiness or sadness, it might be interesting to start organizing 2023 with a big goal: organize your life financial. For this, you can count on the help of Serasa Consumer.

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Serasa Consumer financial services for 2023

The Brazilian population's concern with a healthy financial life is growing. Therefore, the Serasa Consumer offers a series of services to help you in this task. Check below what they are.

discharge of debts

At Serasa Consumer you can settle your debts with the Feirão Limpa Nome and the Limpa Nome do Serasa. With these tools, consumers can renegotiate debts with good credit conditions.

A tip to pay your debts more affordably is to keep an eye on the Clean Fair Name, where discounts can reach up to 99%.

CPF inquiry

The CPF consultation through the Serasa platform can reveal important information about your financial life, such as protests, bad debts, bad checks, possible lawsuits or bankruptcy proceedings.

score query

The Serasa score is a score used by different financial institutions to identify whether you are a responsible person with your payments. In other words, if you are a good payer.

The higher the score, the better it will be for your financial life. Good practices such as payment in days, little credit or personal loans help to increase the score.

positive record

The positive record makes an assessment of your financial life and the credit contracted by you, an example of what is analyzed is whether the bills are paid without delay. For those who do not have income, the Positive Register is an excellent alternative, as it does not ask for proof of income, in case you want to take out credit.

Serasa eCred

Serasa eCred is a service platform that allows you to access excellent credit conditions, such as personal loans with lower rates. You can consult yourself, free of charge, to compare the best offers.

Serasa Premium

Serasa Premium is an exclusive area of ​​Serasa for those who want more specific financial services, such as companies blocking their CPF consultation. This measure can be important to avoid even scams with credit requests in your name.

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