Why should you start eating guava peel?

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Here in Brazil we are lucky to have, practically all year round, nutritious and unique tropical fruits. As is the case of guava, which contains benefits such as improving stomach and heart health. However, most of these advantages will only be available for those who also eat guava peel!

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Should I eat the guava peel?

Many people are in doubt, when consuming this sweet and juicy fruit, if it is necessary to remove the skin. In fact, it's important to realize that the vast majority of fruits can and should be eaten with the peel.

That's because they contain the highest amounts of fiber and vitamins in fruit. For example, those who consume unpeeled guava experience benefits such as: better stomach health, better digestion and relief from menstrual cramps.

So the next time you have the opportunity to eat a guava, you don't have to spend time trying to remove the skin. In fact, just take a good bite the same way you would an apple. Also, the skins won't need to be removed to make juice or smoothies with the fruit.

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However, it is necessary to observe the guava peel before consuming it, as it should be done with all fruits. In this case, observe if there is any irregularity on the surface of the fruit and be careful with those that have signs of insects.

Furthermore, guavas should not be eaten without proper cleaning, especially when the fruits come from a supermarket. For this, you can use a very efficient mixture of hypochlorite and water, which is the ideal way to clean them.

Finally, by calmly observing the guava peel, you will be able to notice when it is more mature or greener. The more yellowish the fruit is, it is a sign that you can eat it without fear, in the certainty of finding a sweet and juicy fruit to enjoy.

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