Google creates site to help with job interviews; check out!

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Increasingly, Artificial Intelligence works to offer better experiences in our professional growth. Proof of this is the website of Google made to help in interviews of work. In case, the Warmup offers a series of questions, depending on your area of ​​work, and evaluates your answers through the technology of insights. That way, you can feel safer for a real interview and reevaluate your lines.

Read more: Google Opinion: Earn Money by Answering Questions

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How to use Interview Warmup?

For now, this platform is not yet available for our Portuguese. However, you can train if you have a knowledge base in English. In fact, this is a good way to test your speech in a foreign language. In addition, to use the site is very simple, just access the link and make the appropriate settings to adjust the Warmup to your profession.

This will allow the platform to select questions that target your desktop. In this way, the chances of asking questions that may actually fall into your interview increase. Not to mention that Warmup will also ask those basic questions that interviewers usually ask, such as “say a defect and a quality of yours”, or “what is your objective in this company”. With this, you'll train the answers so you don't give a blank at the time of selection, in addition to making you feel more confident.

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Use of Artificial Intelligence

Interview Warmup is an example of the use of Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives to improve our professional performance. After all, the platform can understand your answers and offer you a report on your performance. This answer is based on information about actual selection processes, and presents an overview of what the market is currently asking for. It will also analyze your tone of voice and word management to give you tips on how to express yourself and map your communication deficiencies. All this so that you have a satisfactory experience when presenting yourself to a company.
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