Acne: cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

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Acne is a skin disease that affects approximately 80% of adolescents at this time of life, affecting units formed by hair and sebaceous glands: the pilosebaceous follicles.

Excessive production of keratin in the skin, causing follicular orifice obstruction; hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, producing excess sebum; and the proliferation of bacteria, such as Propionybacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermides, causing inflammation; are the main causes of this disease, usually caused by hormonal, emotional and genetic factors.
First-degree acnes are those in which the patient has blackheads; the second ones, blackheads and pimples inflamed and with pus. Third-degree acne manifests with internal pimples; the fourth, with nails and spines joined together, forming channels; and, finally, the fifth, appear suddenly, accompanied by fever, leukocytosis, joint pain, among other symptoms. Face, chest and back are the main regions affected.
Considering the discomfort and even possible problems related to self-image, seek treatment from the beginning of the onset of symptoms is an important measure, also because it reduces the patient's chances of having scars in your skin. For this, a medical consultation is essential, since for each case – and patient – ​​a type of procedure is indicated. Changes in diet, use of birth control pills to control hormonal dosage, and some drugs, such as isotretinoin, are some examples. Recently it was discovered that botulinum toxin is also able to solve this problem, being a very delicate procedure.

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Useful information:
Foods rich in vitamin B5 can be strong allies against acne, as they control the activity of the sebaceous glands and accelerate skin healing.

Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology
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