the journeys of work already reached more than 12 hours a day, however, after a lot of struggle, with the consolidation of labor laws, the regime of 8 hours a day was established. However, a study pointed out that, in fact, it would only be necessary 8 hours of work per week to guarantee the productivity and well being. Learn more below.
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Have you ever thought about having only 8 hours of work per week?
How many hours do you work a day? If you follow the Brazilian labor law, you should only stop your activities after 8 hours of work per day. On the other hand, if you are part of the team that works hard to handle different demands, you should easily extrapolate the 40 hours a week.
Whatever your case, working time is certainly well above what scientists have identified as the ideal when it comes to satisfaction, productivity and mental health.
The study
Researchers from the University of Cambridge, in the United Kingdom, used data from the survey entitled UK Household Longitudinal Study, which was carried out with more of 71,000 people between 16 and 64 years old, and found that the ideal working time should be just 8 hours a week – that's right you read it, a week.
According to the researchers, this would be the amount of hours sufficient to increase the mental well-being of the workers, and consequently would result in better deliveries for companies, as there would be greater productivity.
The researchers investigated how changes in the amount of hours worked influenced mental health over time and asked whether people's well-being improved. Briefly, after eight hours, well-being was stable and working more did not raise it by any significant amount.
This means that there is room for the length of the working day to be rethought. In this sense, know that in Spain, for example, there is already an experiment to create weekends lasting 3 days.
Questions for the future
In view of these discoveries, is it possible to be productive in a work model like this, in which there would be fewer hours worked? Also, would it be possible to strike a balance between face-to-face and remote work? These are questions to be answered in the not too distant future.