Attention: these are the signs that your body shows due to a lack of vitamin B12

Specialists from Johns Hopkins Medicine and the Mayo Clinic, North American companies, warn people to be careful with the lack of Vitamin B12, as it is even too important for the proper functioning of our body. The lack of it can even cause ataxia. This information was extracted from the Daily Express.

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According to the CUF health network, “youdamage at the level of peripheral nerves may, over time, result in in movement problems of body“. Anumbnessin the area of ​​​​the feet and hands can also make it difficult The locomotionfrom theperson, who can come to to need in some support.maystill occur weakness muscle and decreased reflexes“.

Signs of lack of vitamin B12 in the human body

O Institute National of Diabetes It is Illnesses Digestive and Renal (NIDDK) in the United Kingdom, according to the Daily Express, states that the lack of this vitamin is linked to other complications such as, for example, neuropathy peripheral, where the peripheral nerves are affected and allow information to be exchanged between the central nervous system and other parts of the body human.

The main signs, according to the institute, are these:

  • Differences in walking;
  • Pain when walking;
  • Loss of balance.

Some patients may even experience more swollen feet as well.

Importance of vitamin B12 and its main sources

The richest sources are fish, meat, eggs, milk and its derivatives.

resides at thefact to be essential and essential for hematopoiesis, thisé, for the synthesis of figurative elements ofblood and the your functions and for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system“, summed up the portal of the Lusíadas group.

There are cases where a lack of vitamin B12 can be fatal to humans. Although very rare, some cases have been recorded precisely because of this.

“Register mainly indementias or paraplegiasperdeficit of vitamin B12. So much directly, as it happens in anyinsanity, asindirect, what happens by complications what both to thesituations entail, such as immobility, pressure sores,infections.”

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