11 Most Exotic and Amazing Flowers in the World! Check out:

1. Flower of the Little MonkeysHanging little monkeys flower

In English, it is called “naked man orchid”. That's because some of its petals resemble male genitals. It grows mainly in the Mediterranean Sea region and is highly sought after for its properties. which result in selepo flour (essential ingredient for the production of a sweet called “pleasure trick”).

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In addition, the flower has homeopathic properties. It is believed to fight diarrhea. Unfortunately, it is an endangered species.

2. heron orchid

heron orchid

Originally from Japan, this is one of the 27,000 known orchid species. It has a shape that resembles a heron, as its petals are white and fringed. Unfortunately, it is also an endangered species. That's because Japan's swamps, its natural habitat, are being destroyed to plant rice.

3. African hydrangeaAfrican Hydnora

Originating from southern Africa, it looks like a rock and some even say it looks like an alien. The plant is underground and lives approximately 1 year underground before emerging a flower.

It has an unpleasant odor and can be used to treat acne.

4. ginger-magnificent


This flower is very similar to a pine cone. It has an odor very similar to that of ginger, which is even considered a “cousin”. The flower is very small and grows between the buds of the plant.

She is in high demand for staying alive many days after her cut.

5. stone plant

stone plant

Originally from South Africa, the flower grows in arid environments. So they don't need a lot of water to survive. She ends up becoming ideal for those who don't usually take care of flowers.

6. corpse flowercorpse flower

This is one of the most spectacular flowers in the world. Originating from Borneo, it blooms every 10 years and only for 12 hours. She is very stinky, even being compared to human poop, foot odor and rotten fish.

7. flower monster

flower monster

Originating from Indonesia, this flower is actually a parasite that doesn't have many flowers and grows on the cracked bark of a tree. She has the odor of rotten flesh that pervades the entire surrounding environment.

Its leathery appearance and bad odor attract flies, which are responsible for pollination.

8. cockscomb


This flower originates from Asia and blooms in summer. In some countries in Africa, Asia and South America, it is consumed as a vegetable and produces thousands of seeds.

9. Bleeding heart
Bleeding heart

Native to Siberia, China, Korea and Japan, it is widely used in gardens. Mainly because of its heart shape. It blooms in early summer and spring. It can reach up to 120 meters in height.

10. Orchis Simia Orchis Simia

This flower is shaped like a primate. However, its smell is not pleasant at all, as it is similar to feces.

11. Stapelia Flavopurpurea

Stapelia Flavopurpurea

Found in Namibia, it is similar to a starfish. In addition, its odor is pleasant and similar to honey.

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