Check out tips to lose weight in a healthy and safe way

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Many people have a strong desire to lose weight, and sometimes they want it to happen very quickly. However, betting on an aggressive approach can be harmful to health. Balance and gradual progress are needed, both in eating habits and in the inclusion of physical activity in everyday life. To help with that, we've separated some tips to help you lose weight in a healthy way. Good reading!

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Tips for losing weight in a healthy way

1. reduce gluten

Gluten is an inflammatory property that can cause major abdominal bloating.

2. Decrease lactose intake

Products containing lactose can also cause inflammation, resulting in weight gain.

3. Avoid processed products

Prioritize natural foods that are not labeled, such as those found at neighborhood fairs, which sell fruits and vegetables, for example.

4. Consume anti-inflammatory foods

In general, anti-inflammatory ingredients like spices, turmeric, pepper and others are rich in antioxidants that are very important for our body.

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5. Swap the bread for roots

Instead of buying bread (with gluten) and turkey breast (industrialized) at the bakery, for example, opt for roots such as yam and cassava, or tapioca, which is a derivative food. Another tip is also to use olive oil or tahini instead of butter, which contains lactose.

6. Drink tea and liquids

Liquids are very important for the functioning of our body. Teas like chamomile and peppermint are good options to help you lose weight. Another alternative is green juice, which combines anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying ingredients.

Extra: Practice physical exercises

The type of exercise is less significant than the frequency with which it is performed, remembering that it should be at least three times a week. Some daily activities and choices may vary, so try a little bit of everything.

  • Choose to take the stairs when you have the opportunity;
  • Walk whenever you can, to enjoy and do some physical activity;
  • 10 minutes of walking after lunch is a good option;
  • Walk your dog.

Just as bodybuilding helps with weight loss, increasing muscle mass and improving metabolism, all types of physical activity can help shed those extra pounds, not just aerobic activities like walking, cycling and race.

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