4 easy exercises to relieve period pain

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Premenstrual tension can be a difficult time in every woman's life: stress, insomnia and increased anxiety are some of the most common symptoms. But, as colic is responsible for the greatest sensations of discomfort in the menstrual period, practicing physical exercises to relieve pain is a great strategy.

Reduced intensity and ease: Yoga can be an ally

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It is common to associate yoga with the practice of difficult postures that seem impossible to do. However, some simple exercises from this age-old self-care activity can be incorporated into your premenstrual routine to reduce menstrual pain. cramps.

The exercises are done with the help of a yoga mat or gym mat. Here are some simple asanas (postures):

Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana

To do the Cobra Pose, lie on your stomach on the mat and let your legs be stretched out, with the instep of your foot touching the mat.

Then place both hands next to your chest, below the shoulder line, inhale and stand up. Keep your palms wide open and contract your buttocks and thighs for stability.

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Keep your chin up, remember to breathe, and hold this pose for 20-30 seconds.

Menstrual period.
Photo: Canva.

Bridge Pose – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Considered a posture for beginners, the bridge is simple to do. For this position, just lie on your back and keep your knees bent. Then, place your feet hip-width apart.

To initiate the pose, inhale and lift your hips in a slow, controlled manner. Interlace your fingers and move your arms toward your feet. With your feet flat on the floor, maintain a cycle of 5 to 6 breaths in this pose. Slowly lower your hips to the mat after finishing.

Menstrual period.
Photo: Canva.

Butterfly Pose – Baddha Konasana

Sit with your spine straight and bring the soles of both feet together in front of your body. Stretch your arms and keep your hands holding your feet. Hold the upright posture for a few breaths.

Menstrual period.
Photo: Canva.

Head to Knee Pose – Janu Sirsasana

This posture is great for stretching, and to do it, just sit down with your spine straight and stretch your legs out in front of you. Soon after, flex one of the legs, support the sole of the foot on the thigh of the leg – which must remain straight – then just lower your hands as far as your body can.

Menstrual period.
Photo: Canva.

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