11th month of pregnancy. The eleventh month of pregnancy

Since we have months of 28, 30, and 31 days, some doctors often suggest that calculations for a woman's length of pregnancy be done according to the lunar calendar. This basically means considering the following:

- 1 lunar week = 7 days
- 1 lunar month = 4 weeks of 7 days = 28 days

As the period between the beginning of pregnancy and the day of delivery is about 280 days, we can see that this value corresponds to 40 weeks. Since a lunar month is 4 weeks, 40 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to 10 lunar months.

In many cases, the baby is born before the 40th week. In fact, even before the 10th lunar month. On the other hand, your birth can also be delayed, extending the pregnancy until the 41st week, or even 42nd week, usually not extrapolating this time - since, in these cases, doctors tend to schedule a cesarean as soon as possible. possible.

Exceeding the expected period often increases even more the possible anxiety that the pregnant woman already has. felt - as well as the swelling in the feet and ankles and the frequency with which you go to the bathroom, do Pee. False contractions can arise, or continue. Remember that they differ from labor-related contractions because they are regular, always progressively decreasing the interval between one and the other, at the same time as they become more painful. The doctor will likely order a new ultrasound, and will begin to assess the possibility of an induced delivery.

There are people who claim that eating spicy foods, taking walks and/or having sex frequently; they are actions capable of advancing this process. If you want to adopt some of these techniques, it is important to check with your doctor beforehand if there are contraindications for your case.

The baby, fully formed a few weeks ago, continues to grow and gain body mass (he will be born approximately 55 cm, and 4 kg). Also, your reflexes are better.

The hair also grows; and that fuzz that some newborns have on their bodies, called lanugo, gets smaller and smaller. Vernix, a whitish, fatty substance produced by the sebaceous glands, which covers the baby's skin; will no longer exist. For this reason, some children born during this period have more dry skin.

Stretching and trying to relax are techniques that help a lot to reduce anxiety and prepare for the big finish. The intake of folic acid is still indicated, as it helps in the development of the nervous and immune systems. So, it is good to invest in grains, dark green vegetables, beef liver and carrots. In addition, it is always good to remember to hydrate, drinking at least two liters of water a day.

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tenth month of pregnancy

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education
Brazil School Team

Month-to-month follow-up - Pregnancy - Biology - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/decimo-primeiro-mes-gestacao.htm

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