Mega-Sena winner is murdered: who will inherit?

Winning the Mega-Sena, without a doubt, is the dream of almost all Brazilians. Imagine becoming a millionaire overnight because of a bet. It is common for people to create tactics and strategies to choose numbers. In fact, there are even those who study the history of previous draws. Yes, as if it were a science.

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Winning the lottery would alter anyone's life in every way. It's a sudden change of reality, where there's a lot of exposure. In 2020, for example, Jonas Lucas Alves Dias, was the winner of the Mega-Sena and saw everything change. Unfortunately not for the better! He was tortured and killed by criminals in September of this year.

The assassins devised a plan to extract his fortune.

Who was Jonas Lucas?

Jonas was 55 years old, from the interior of São Paulo and had no wife or children. Before becoming a winner, he had a simple and normal life. After winning the prize of R$ 47 million, he still maintained his lifestyle

low profile. On the street where he lived, he was known by the affectionate nickname “Luquinhas”. He was found on the 14th on an access road to the Bandeirantes highway with visible signs of torture. Luquinhas was unable to resist his injuries and died in the hospital.

Four suspects in the crime had their temporary arrests decreed. At the moment, two of them are arrested, but the others are still on the run from the police. After Jonas' death, the question that has been bothering some people is just one: who should receive the sum of money he had won from the Mega-Sena?

Despite not having formed his own family, Jonas had a sister and a brother who lived in the same house with him. The direct heirs are his brothers. According to lawyer Afonso Morais, specializing in crimes in the civil and digital area, the amount will be shared 50% with his brother and the other 50% with his sister.

“If there is no will, if there is no spouse, descendants or ascendants, the collateral relatives are heirs, that is, those of up to four degrees: by order, brothers, nephews, uncles and cousins. The closest ones exclude the remote ones, except for the nephews, who have the right to represent the deceased's siblings”, explained Afonso.

According to a close friend of Jonas, he said that the victim had invested a good part of the prize he received from the Mega-Sena in 2020. As a result, he ended up unable to change the value during the three-year period. This fact explains why it is difficult for criminals to withdraw very high amounts during the action.

On the day of the disappearance, the bank manager received a call. Criminals tried to withdraw R$ 3 million, but the request was denied. The bandits managed to transfer R$18,600 to the account of a woman who, after being investigated, was arrested. One of the suspects also managed to withdraw R$2,000.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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