Improve your quality of life with these 8 recommended habits

It is easy to see that the quality of life is different for everyone. However, there are studies that show the benefit of certain habits for health. In addition, diet and lifestyle are key issues to have a good life expectancy.

Read more: Discover 3 habits that can harm your health and your immune system

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Next, we separate some relevant aspects to consider when implementing your routine and habits.

8 recommended habits

1. regular physical activity

It is common knowledge that staying active in physical exercises is a great ally for longevity. Yeah, keeping a daily routine of 15 minutes is enough to contribute to a better quality of life.

2. Sleep well

It is important to have a good sleep so that our body recovers and so we can rest and recharge our energies. Also, when we rest well, we improve the functioning of our body.

3. Turmeric

Consuming turmeric frequently is a great option to improve the function of the immune system, heart, lung and brain. This occurs because of the presence of a bioactive called curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

4. more colorful food

In addition, the consumption of vegetables, greens and fruits promotes better living conditions. Therefore, a lot of research shows that diets rich in vegetables reduce the risk of disease.

5. sexual activity

Maintaining an active sex life is excellent for our body, from the hormone release that is provided to the improvement of cardiorespiratory capacity. Therefore, it also provides us with feelings of relaxation and pleasure.

6. Eliminate the smoking habit

It is known that the act of smoking is very harmful to health, to the point of causing a fatality over time, and therefore it should be avoided.

7. Control alcohol consumption

This is another habit that favors the appearance of diseases related to the liver, pancreas and heart, as well as can lead to death. In addition, if you have a moderate consumption, only in social moments, it is possible to reduce these risks by approximately 18%.

8. daily hydration

Because we are composed of a large part of water, this is an important need for our body. Therefore, it is essential to maintain regular hydration to prevent various health problems.

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