Create boundaries without feeling guilty

There are many people who prefer not to set limits for the other in order to please and even feel guilty when they do. Sometimes, the feeling of guilt can even be understandable, but it should not go beyond the need to impose limits. They are important for many reasons, and not establishing them can lead to big problems. With that in mind, we prepared this article on the importance of setting boundaries. Follow the reading.

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Why should we create boundaries?

Boundaries, as much as some people don't like, set out the ways of behavior and barriers that people should have with you. It is these limits that create healthy and minimally respectful relationships.

However, there are many people who feel guilty when they set some boundaries in relationships, whatever they may be. However, you also need to think about your priorities and needs, without always weighing what the other thinks. Learning to set boundaries without feeling guilty is possible and necessary.

Create boundaries without feeling guilty

Setting boundaries is a form of self-care. Everyone needs to take care of themselves to be healthy, happy, productive, and compassionate. Therefore, observe the following tips to be able to create boundaries and not feel guilty about them.

Boundaries are not selfish and strengthen relationships

Boundaries are good for your health and well-being, and they also benefit those around you. Such boundaries promote intimacy and connection because they create the emotional security that allows us to be vulnerable.

Also, everyone benefits when you have more energy and patience, are less reactive, and have less resentment as a result of setting boundaries. Therefore, do not create a feeling of guilt by only generating benefits for yourself and others.

It will be very good for you

If you always keep in mind that boundaries are set to take care of you and meet your needs (which everyone has), maybe the feeling of guilt will go away. There's no reason to feel guilty about doing something that's good for you.

Put it into practice: set boundaries

Setting boundaries is a skill, and like any skill, the more you practice, the easier it becomes. So no matter how uncomfortable you feel, especially at first, stick with it and keep doing it.

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