Discover the world driving a virtual car with new Google Maps tool

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Although it is the dream of many people to have the opportunity to see the world, this desire costs a lot. With that in mind, a driving simulator called Driving Simulator was developed, which allows any person can drive a car through Google Maps and go around the world knowing different places in a virtual.

See below for more details on this technology.

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Knowing different places in the world has now become easier

With each passing day, technology is becoming more and more advanced and, with that, some dreams end up becoming, in parts, realized. After a virtual driving simulator program is developed, people will be able to visit different cities around the world without having to leave their homes.

After all, how does the program work?

Are you one of those people who love to spend hours and hours on Google Maps getting to know new cities or regions? well, the Driving Simulator

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and to you. The big difference is that the exploration of these new places is done through a virtual car, but still with simple graphics and without great resources.

Due to these simplicities, users shouldn't expect ultra-realistic simulations, but it will still be a very fun pastime.

Is the program difficult to use?

Because it contains a very friendly and easy interface, anyone will be able to use the program. The curious and explorers will be able, for example, to observe the speedometer and know at what speed they are moving on the map.

So far, all the feedbacks regarding the program have been very positive, both in terms of its functionality and the relaxed way of visiting the different places.

How to use Driving Simulator?

How to use it is very simple:

click on this linkand click on ‘Start’;

In the field “Location name”, you make your identification and then click on “Go”.

After these steps, just choose which way you want the map to be displayed. Having the options “Map”, “Satellite” or “Hybrid”.

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