When we analyze the current scenario of the planet, it is easy to see the aggressions suffered by the environment as a result of human action. These aggressions are responsible for changes that directly affect our quality of life and should therefore be avoided. Therefore, the Pollution Combat Day, which is celebrated in August 14 and it aims to make the population aware of the importance of avoiding damage to the environment.
THE pollution is defined by Law No. 6938/81 as "the degradation of environmental quality resulting from activities that directly or indirectly harm the health, safety and well-being of the population; create adverse conditions for social and economic activities; adversely affect the biota; affect the aesthetic or sanitary conditions of the environment; release materials or energy in disagreement with established environmental standards.”
Pollution can occur as a result of various processes, such as the inappropriate disposal of sewage and garbage, release of toxic gases by factories and motor vehicles, fires and even very high volumes of sound. The main forms of pollution existing today are water, atmospheric, soil, noise and visual.
→ THE water pollution is the one that affects water bodies, causing chemical, physical and biological changes. This pollution is serious and is one of the reasons why many places on the planet face supply crises. In addition to limiting access to quality water, this pollution triggers various diseases in the population, such as diarrhea, cholera and typhoid fever.
→ THE atmospheric pollutionit is responsible for triggering the breakdown of the balance between the chemical elements that make up the air. It is usually caused by automotive vehicles and industries that release toxic substances into the atmosphere. It is worth noting that natural processes can also cause this pollution, as is the case with volcanic activities.
The pollution atmospheric it causes several damages, such as the phenomenon of acid rain, the aggravation of the greenhouse effect and the depletion of the ozone layer. With regard to humans, this pollution can lead to the emergence of various cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, including lung cancer.
→ THE ground pollution it is usually caused by improper dumping of polluting substances, which may be liquid, solid or gaseous. This type of pollution triggers serious problems, as it makes the development of vegetables and can cause diseases in man, when the soil is contaminated by micro-organisms pathogens.
→ THE noise pollution, despite being despised by many, can cause serious damage to the population's health, especially at the hearing level. In addition, excessive noise can lead to stress and reduced physical and mental performance, as it disturbs the tranquility of the entire population. The main causes of this type of pollution are nightclubs, cars, planes and construction sites.
→ THEvisual pollution, despite not causing harm to health, makes the environment we live in less pleasant. In this case, the problem is generated by the excess of posters, advertisements, billboards, luminous signs, graffiti, among others.
Pollution, therefore, directly affects the lives of the population and must be avoided to ensure the quality of life for our generation and for future ones. You can do your part by avoiding the disposal of garbage in inappropriate places for disposal, recycling and reusing materials, respecting the allowed decibel limits and opting for a walk instead of use the car.
Do your part and help the environment!
Did you know that causing pollution is a crime?According to Law No. 9605/98, which provides for activities that are harmful to the environment, it is a crime "cause pollution of any nature at such levels that result or may result in damage to human health, or that cause the death of animals or the significant destruction of flora".
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-combate-poluicao.htm