Microwave Mug Cake: Quick, Easy and Yummy!

Are you looking on the internet for a recipe that is practical and delicious for an afternoon snack? Just found it!

With the microwave mug cake, you have a mouth-watering recipe, in just a few processes, so it's ready quickly.

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In addition, this is also a recipe that you will need few amounts of ingredients and you will not have to spend on gas leaving a cake to bake in the oven.

Read more: Learn delicious recipes that don't need a stove to be made

Too good, isn't it? So grab paper and pen and write down this recipe!


The microwave mug cake has ingredients for the dough and the optional syrup.

Write down the dough ingredients:

  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of chocolate powder;
  • 3 tablespoons (soup) of sugar;
  • 4 shallow tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • 4 tablespoons of milk);
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) oil;
  • 1 level spoon (coffee) of baking powder.

For the syrup we will use:

  • 2 tablespoons of chocolate powder;
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) margarine;
  • ½ cup of milk.

A tip we give for the syrup is to buy granules to sprinkle over the syrup when the cake is ready.

Thus, your cake will be super decorated and more delicious!

Method of preparation

As with the ingredients, the method of preparation will also take place in two stages: the preparation of the dough and the preparation of the syrup.

But don't worry, you won't need to stir a heavy batter for long to ensure the consistency of the cake.

Even because, the amounts of ingredients are few and only require that they be mixed.

So, let's go to the steps of how to prepare the dough:

  1. At first, add all the dough ingredients into a mug of 300ml or more;
  2. Then, with a spoon, stir the ingredients until they become a homogeneous mass. Now, put it in the microwave for just three minutes!

Finally, for the syrup, we will need:

  1. Heat a pan with all the ingredients for the syrup mixed together.
  2. Mix ingredients over medium heat until smooth.
  3. Pour over your cake.

Also, don't forget to sprinkle with sprinkles. This recipe is perfect for that unpretentious afternoon snack and kids love it too!

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