Check out some habits that cause hair loss

Everyone is worried about that clump of hair that runs down the shower stall. Or at the time of routine brushing, when several strands are trapped in the comb or brush. What would be the cause of this? If your diet is healthy and the hair loss continues, it is important to look for the cause. Dr. Blossom Kochhar, president of the Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies, detailed five possible habits that cause hair loss, and that's exactly what we're going to talk about.

See more: Food and baldness: Know the foods that intensify hair loss.

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Some causes of hair loss

There are several causes that can cause someone to lose their hair. Therefore, it is normal for both men and women, young people, adults and the elderly to lose some hair. There are several criteria for this and the reasons you can find out below, check it out:

1- Stress

When we think too much about something or experience moments of tension on a daily basis, our entire nervous system, as well as the digestive system, goes into a state of tension. With this, an internal imbalance occurs that does not allow our body to capture the necessary nutrition from the food we are eating. Soon, this causes hair loss and thread thinning.

2- Diet

Having a diet deficient in zinc, biotin and vitamin D causes hair loss. Therefore, it is important to check how your diet is going, to maintain balance and a healthy way of life.

3- Dandruff

Dandruff is another cause that seems harmless, but as it builds up on the head and we scratch it, it weakens the hair shaft and consequently causes hair loss.

4- Age

Throughout our life, body changes become visible. And therefore, as we age, our hair strands also tend to become thinner and more brittle.

5- Weight loss 

Losing weight significantly can also have an effect on your hair, as in this case, we also lose some important nutrients that cause hair loss.

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