McDonald's and BK to undergo public hearing due to misleading advertising

In order to explain the cases of false advertising, the representatives of the McDonalds It's from Burger King will undergo a public hearing, according to the decision of the Transparency, Governance, Inspection, Control and Consumer Protection Committee of the Senate.

The controversy erupted after consumers realized that the McPicanha and the rib whopper they did not carry the noble meats that their names indicate, and due to the great repercussion on social networks, public bodies had to get involved to demand clarification.

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Senator Nelsinho Trad made the request for the public hearing, and it was unanimously approved by the other senators. “We cannot admit that they can distort what is being announced, deceiving the Brazilian population. We need to get this out in the open. Advertising a hamburger product with picanha and ribs, and saying that these hamburgers only have the smell of picanha or ribs is a joke with the Brazilian population.

Those who led to a mistake of this nature need to be held accountable”, said Nelsinho.

The hearing should take place on the 12th, and in addition to bodies involved, such as the National Advertising Self-Regulation Council (Conar), by Procon, by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), the 'blog' that made the complaint (Eat with the Eyes) must also be gift.

The complaints about the Burger King hamburger came after all the controversy with McDonald's, and if false advertising is proven, the chain could be fined up to R$ 11.6 million.

In a note, the executive director of Procon-SP, Guilherme Farid, explains the concern with these recurring cases: “Procon-SP has been looking at the publicity of food products that highlight a certain ingredient that is not part of the composition of that product or that does not have the ingredient in its composition main. In this specific case of Burger King, the consumer buys the sandwich believing that he will eat the rib meat, that is, the consumer is misled”.

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