Preserve your soda gas for longer; know how

Drinking soda is delicious, but when we buy it in large quantities and keep it in the fridge, the drink ends up losing its gas and getting that not-so-good taste.

The gas that comes out of the soda is nothing more than carbon dioxide (CO2), but when dissolved in a liquid, the gas exists in the form of carbonic acid (H2CO3), which is very unstable and escapes more easily. Therefore, it is important to preserve the gas in your carbonated drink. Check out how to do this!

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3 ways to keep your soda from gassing

  • Store at low temperatures

To ensure that the soda does not lose its gas, an important tip is to pay attention to the temperature at which the drink should be kept. The colder the environment, the better the gas is conserved. Therefore, it is recommended to store the bottle in the coldest place in the refrigerator, avoiding leaving it at the door. Also, never forget to put it away as soon as you pour the liquid into your glass. With these tips, you can bet that the soda gas will be well preserved.

  • Avoid shaking the soda and always keep it well sealed

The most important tip is to close the soda bottle immediately after pouring the drink into the glass. So, be sure to tighten the lid as tightly as possible and place it back in the fridge.

For example, when the bottle is opened, the bubbles that come out are actually carbon dioxide (CO2), which does not dissolve well in the drink. Therefore, to extend the life of the coolant, it is ideal to keep the container closed as long as possible.

Furthermore, when the bottle is shaken, part of the carbon dioxide disperses, enters into low solubility and forms bubbles. Therefore, when opening, when the internal pressure decreases, this gas is released quickly and intensively, causing the coolant level to rise and overflow.

Therefore, the more shaken the bottle is, the greater the explosion will be. In this way, this contributes to almost all the gas coming out, so it is very important to be careful not to shake the bottle.

  • Crush the soda bottle and store it in the fridge

Did you know that a good way to store a soda after opening it is by crushing the bottle? This is because the liquid is closer to the lid, with less oxygen at the top, which ensures that carbon dioxide dissolves in the drink as H2CO3, better maintaining its flavor.

Note: This tip works best for bottles that are most empty. If they are more than half full, this trick won't work.

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