Refresh yourself with water flavored with pineapple peel, lemon and cinnamon!

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In the summer heat, nothing better than a good refreshing drink, and even better if that drink is healthy and tasty.

So if you were looking for a natural drink option rich in vitamins and nutrients, you've found it! It's pineapple peel flavored water with lemon and cinnamon!

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In this drink you will have at your disposal a source of vitamin C from the pineapple skin, in addition to all the benefits of lemon and cinnamon.

For example, this drink will help you in your digestion, in the weight loss process and even in strengthening your immune system.

So, without further ado, let’s get to that recipe!


You will need very little to make this flavored water and you may already have all the ingredients at home.

Are they:

  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 2 lemons cut into slices;
  • Peels of 1 pineapple;
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder or two cinnamon sticks.
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With these few ingredients and a super easy process, you'll have a delicious drink that even the kids will appreciate.

Method of preparation:

With the ingredients already separated, let's start the recipe. To begin with, wash your pineapple well under running water, but without using soap or detergent.

An option to replace these cleaning solutions is to use fruit and vegetable hypochlorite, suitable for cleaning fruits and vegetables in general.

Soon after, also clean the lemons and cut them into not-so-thick slices.

Finally, remove the pineapple skins and place them in a container that can hold more than two liters of water.

Then add the lemon slices, cinnamon and filtered water. And finally, you should take this mixture to the fridge, where it should stay for 24 hours until it is ready.

So, the next day, your water flavored with pineapple peel with lemon and cinnamon is ready for you to enjoy and serve your guests and family.

Just pay attention to the consumption time of the recipe, which should be within two days.

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