Learn an easy way to make yogurt cake using the Airfryer

Yoghurt cake has become one of the most popular options for an afternoon snack among Brazilians. Although it can be made the traditional way in the oven, there is a much more practical way to prepare this cake. Check out how to do it now yogurt cake in the Airfryer.

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For this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ¼ teaspoon(s) of salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • ¼ teaspoon(s) vanilla essence;
  • ⅔ cup (s) of natural Greek yogurt tea;
  • 1 and ¼ teaspoon(s) of chemical yeast;
  • 1 cup (s) of wheat tea;
  • Sicilian lemon;
  • 1 ⅓ cup (s) of sunflower oil tea;
  • ⅔ cup(s) of sugar.

Method of preparation

Before starting to prepare the cake batter, the first step is to prepare the mold that will be used in the recipe. In this way, you must choose a mold that fits in your Airfryer, and then grease it with butter and flour.

After that, take the lemon, scrape the peel and reserve it in a container. Now, it's time to make the actual yogurt cake batter. So mix the dry ingredients (flour, yeast and salt) and leave it in a separate bowl.

While you continue the recipe, turn on the Airfryer at 180ºC to preheat for 6 minutes. Then, in a large bowl, mix together the sugar, vanilla, eggs, lemon zest and yogurt until smooth.

When all the ingredients are diluted, add the dry ingredients and mix until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. Finally, put the oil and stir more for about 3 minutes.

After that, transfer the dough to the already greased shape and take it to the Airfryer for about 35 minutes at 160ºC. At the end, wait for the yogurt cake to cool down a bit and it will be ready to be consumed. A tip to make your dessert even tastier is to add lemon zest to the top of the cake.

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