NEVER change these 5 things about yourself to please others

Not losing your essence means staying true to yourself, even in the midst of life's changes and pressures.

For this, it is necessary to maintain the values, beliefs and identity that make us unique, even when we face challenges and external influences.

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By not losing the essence, we preserve our authenticity and integrity, allowing us to make decisions in line with our true values ​​and objectives.

It involves honoring who we are, expressing our true emotionsand act on what we truly believe. Staying on track helps us maintain meaningful relationships, pursue our passions, and live an authentic and fulfilling life.

So there are things you should never give up!

Don't give up these 5 characteristics

1. Don't neglect your relationships with friends and family.

In certain cases, partners, especially those with narcissistic traits, may try to pull you away from your family and his friends, presenting arguments to discredit these relationships and claim that they are not beneficial to you.

It is essential to remember that healthy relationships involve supporting each other, respecting and valuing connections with the people who are important to you.

2. Don't compromise on your appearance

It's unfortunate, but it's a widely recognized truth that some people put too much emphasis on appearance, hoping we'll stay young and beautiful forever.

This can lead to an obsession with the body and constantly looking for ways to improve it in order to gain a sense of validation and acceptance.

However, it is important to remember that our appearance should not be changed to please others. Over the years, it's natural for our weight, our skin and our hair to change.

It's essential to find someone who promises to love all versions of ourselves to come, no matter what physical changes occur.

3. Don't give up on self-love

Never allow anyone to shake the love and appreciation you have for yourself. Also, your self-esteem should not be negatively affected by a relationship that didn't work out, for example. Remember that you are valuable and deserve to be loved and accepted exactly as you are!

It's important to recognize your own worth and not base your self-worth on someone else's opinions or actions. Those who really matter will love and value you for who you are, without demanding that you change to fit an unrealistic ideal.

4. Don't put your dreams aside

Have you at any point in your life considered giving up your dreams for someone or something? If so, rethink it.

Definitely not worth abandoning dreams to please someone or to fit in some context. Never give up your dreams!

5. Not abandoning your principles

It is true that opinions can change over time, but principles are ethical foundations that can and should be more stable.

Regardless of how big or small your principles are, finding a way to live up to them and keeping your conscience clear is essential.

Never compromise your core values ​​for the sake of pressureexternal or to please someone.

If someone is trying to get you to break down the essence of who you are, it's a sign that that person may not be worthy of your commitment. Think about it!

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