Mousse recipe of different flavors with only 3 ingredients

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If you're a dessert lover but not a cooking lover, this might be a great outlet for you. With a single recipe, you can make mousses of different flavors. That's right! It seems impossible, right? Because in addition to bringing you practicality, this recipe is very easy to learn and you can make it in just a few minutes.

See too: Banoffee recipe: See how to make this delicious and quick dessert

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To make this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • A box or can of condensed milk, which should have an average of 395 grams;
  • Pack of juice powder containing 30 grams. The taste of the juice, and consequently the mousse, is up to you. Also, the better the juice, the closer it will taste to the fruit in your recipe.
  • A cream of milk, which should have an average of 200 grams.

mousse step by step

After separating all the ingredients, get a blender and put all the items inside it. Turn the device on the highest speed and let it beat for two minutes. Then distribute the mixture in smaller pots, the size you prefer, or in a single larger container and take it to the fridge. That's it, your work with the mousse is finished. Now all you have to do is leave it in the fridge so that it reaches the right point and really thickens. For this to occur, it will likely take a minimum of 4 hours.

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See how easy and fast it is? In addition to being delicious, the practicality of choosing different flavors means that you can get several desserts with just one recipe. Also, it's a great way to serve that weekend family lunch, especially for those who don't like to cook. It will be a simple dessert, but at the same time very tasty! Use and abuse this tip.

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