How can you focus despite the distractions of everyday life?

We can use the technologies of the modern world in virtually all aspects and tasks of everyday life. However, often the same technology what helps is what distracts, turning what would be a quick and simple task into a true odyssey. And then people start asking themselves: “how to concentrate in such a dynamic world full of screens?”.

focus study

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In 2004, a professor of computer science at the University of California, Gloria Mark, observed this phenomenon in her fellow knowledge workers on an average day at work. With the help of a stopwatch, she wrote down all the situations in which they changed the task being performed on the computer.

Whether it's leaving a spreadsheet to read an email or going from one web page to another, it noticed that people spent an average of two and a half minutes on the same task before leaving to another.

In 2012, the teacher repeated the experiment and discovered a

shocking change: the average time spent by employees in the same task was only 75 seconds. And that time has been decreasing ever since. So, these distractions may also get in the way of your daily life, for that reason, we'll give you some tips to avoid these setbacks.

How to focus these days?

At the outset, it is important to find out the reason for your distraction, usually, cell phone notifications are largely responsible for changing focus. That's because our brain works to pay more attention to news, and if you ignore the phone ringing, you may get anxious.

Thus, leaving devices on silent and with the screen facing down can help with your productivity. But know that there's nothing wrong with taking a break from time to time, in order to check your device or walk around the neighborhood, for example.

It is important that these breaks are timed, for example:

  • Before starting a task that requires concentration, open your favorite apps for a minute or two. Then, set a timer for 15 minutes, mute your device and leave it screen down. When you start the timer, you can use the phone again for another minute or two.

The objective of the technological pause is to increase the time in which the task that requires concentration is being carried out, gradually, reaching up to 45 minutes or more, depending on your own ability to stay focused for a long time.

Another practice that can be implemented during these breaks is to read some printed material, as this can reduce anxiety levels due to not being in constant contact with your cell phone.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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