Myth or truth about dermatitis: Is it bad to wash your hair every day?

Recently on “BBB 23”, the program participant, called Cara de Sapato, suggested that Amanda should change her hygiene habits in reality. In a chat with Amanda, the fighter stated that she should wash her hair more often and the sister countered:

“If I wash it every day, my scalp is sensitive. I have dermatitis. If he got irritated with his hair, it fell even more”, he explained to his colleague.

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This raised the question: is washing your hair every day bad? We tell in this text!

Hair care: what is myth and what is true?

Is there really harm in washing your hair too often? This subject usually generates many doubts and with confusing information on the subject, it is normal for people to be in doubt.

What is seborrheic dermatitis?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic condition that ends up manifesting itself in parts of the body where there is a greater production of oil by the sebaceous glands or the presence of a fungus, Pityrosporum ovale.

This infection manifests itself in the form of reddish lesions that peel and itch a lot and they appear mainly on the scalp.

Doctor Fernanda Nichelle, who works in the area of ​​aesthetics, warns that to reduce dandruff in the hair caused by inflammation, it is important to have a better and more adequate cleaning.

contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a skin disease that is triggered by contact with substances that are irritants, such as some cosmetics, perfumes, soap, cleaning products or jewelry.

The common symptoms of this disease are: rash, itching, redness and scaling. However, do not worry, as these dermatitis are not contagious and cannot be transmitted to other people.

What is the best way to wash your hair when you have dermatitis?

For those who suffer from sensitive scalp or dermatitis in the head area, there are certain shampoos specifically designed for washing.

Capillary dermatitis can be seborrheic and in this case, it is recommended that the person wash their hair every day or every other day, since not washing your hair can aggravate the condition of dermatitis.

the doctor dermatologist Natália Venturelli points out: “Remembering that there is also a sensitive scalp without dermatitis and for these people, hair washing should also happen with specialized products for each type".

Perhaps what BBB 23 participant Amanda meant when she said that “If I wash it every day, my scalp becomes sensitive. I have dermatitis. If I irritate the hair, it falls out even more”, is that the fact of not having specific products for your dermatitis capillary problem, washing every day, using the program's products, maybe it's harmful.

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