Your date of birth is represented by a lucky stone; know what it is

A numerology is an ancient practice that is based on the idea that numbers have a symbolic and vibrational meaning and that they can reveal information about individual aspects such as personality, talents, challenges, opportunities and even the destiny of a person.

The theory uses mathematical calculations based on date of birth, full name and other personal information to assign numerical values ​​and interpret them through systems specific.

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Based on these interpretations, it seeks to provide insights and guidelines for self-knowledge, decision-making decisionsand understanding the energetic influences that surround a person.

Numerology and your lucky stone according to the day of birth

Number 1

Days 1, 10, 19 and 28

In numerology, the number 1 is associated with the Sun and is considered a powerful number. Following this perspective, luck is associated with stones such as ruby, yellow sapphire and topaz, in order to bring luck and benefits to those who have an affinity with the number 1.

Number 2

Days 2, 11, 20 and 29

Number 2 is associated with the Moon and is considered significant in terms of energy and influence. The stone that attracts luck to those born on the 2nd are white pearls and cat's eye.

number 3

Days 3, 12, 21 and 30

The representation of the number 3 is directly associated with the planet Jupiter, which rules the number. To attract luck and other benefits, those born on that day should opt for yellow sapphire combined with gold, as a ring on the indicator or pendant.

Number 4

4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st

Gomed, or Hessonite, is the most suitable gemstone for people who have an affinity with the number 3.

It is recommended to wear it on the middle or little finger, preferably on Wednesday. Alternatively, you can use the stonearound the neck like a pendant.

Number 5

5th, 14th and 23rd

The number 5 is associated with the planet Mercury and numerology indicates that the emerald is the gemstone most suitable for people to be able to attract luck, in addition to several advantages for life guys.

number 6

Days 6, 15 and 24

Venus is the planet associated with the number 6 and, for numerology, the diamond is the gemstone for those born on that day.

number 7

Days 7, 16 and 25

For numerology, the number 7 is associated with the planet Neptune and is considered an important and mystical number in the science of numbers. For people who have an affinity with the number 7, it is recommended to use the cat's eye as a lucky gemstone.

number 8

Days 8, 17 and 26

In numerology, the number 8 is associated with the planet Saturn and is considered a number that represents power and success. It is believed that the gemstone of luckfor people connected to the number 8 be the Blue Sapphire.

number 9

Days 9, 18 and 27

In the context of numerology, the number 9 is associated with the planet Mars, considered a powerful and auspicious number. The gemstone indicated for people connected to the number 9 is Red Coral.

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