If you want to lose weight, you must buy THIS type of oats

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In addition to being delicious, oatmeal is a super healthy food. Cereal is considered by scientists as a superfood. It is rich in fiber and antioxidants, as well as helping to reduce triglycerides. More than that, did you know that oats can be a powerful ally in weight loss?

Read more: What happens if you eat oatmeal EVERY day?

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First of all, it is always good to reinforce that a consultation with a nutritionist is essential. This professional will calculate everything your metabolism needs to reach the desired goal, be it weight gain, hypertrophy or slimming.

types of oats

In the market, we find oats in three types: flour, bran and flakes.

The oat flour is crushed, very used in the production of cakes, breads and sweets. On the other hand, oat bran is made from the outer part of the grain, often used as an accompaniment to fruit or shakes.

Finally, we also found

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oat in flakes, which can be fine or thick. In this way, the cereal is presented in its whole grain pressing. It is the most common way to find food and the most versatile to use in cooking as well.

What is the ideal oats to lose weight?

Now that we know the types of oats, let's look at the characteristics of each one.

Of the three options, flour is the most caloric. The grain of oats, when crushed to make flour, loses a good quality of its fibers, leaving carbohydrates and proteins.

Although flakes are the most “natural” form of cereal, the ideal type of oats for those who want to lose weight is bran. Because it only has the outer part of the grain, it has a higher amount of fiber.

Fibers cause more satiety, as they make gastric emptying slower. In addition, they absorb sugar and fat from other foods, reducing the calories absorbed by the body. Therefore, they are excellent allies in weight loss.

With information from Metropolis.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.


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