The best vegan sweet potato brigadeiro recipe

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Nowadays, more and more people adhere to veganism. As a result, several classic recipes can undergo reinvention to reach this group of people, for example, the classic brigadeiro that we Brazilians love so much. So, check out this wonderful vegan sweet potato brigadeiro recipe that is sure to be a hit in your home!

Read more: Brigadeiro recipes for everyone: traditional and vegan

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To make this recipe we will make some important substitutions to remove all ingredients of animal origin. Therefore, it does not use condensed milk or dulce de leche, but will have coconut oil for creaminess and sweet potato for consistency. Check out the full list:

  • 1 and ½ cup (tea) of boiled and mashed sweet potato;
  • ½ cup (tea) brown sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 tbsp (dessert) coconut oil;

This is the complete list for the brigadeiro dough, and to decorate you can use cocoa powder (3 tablespoons). Or, if you prefer, you can use vegan chocolate sprinkles, which you can find in vegetable or confectionery stores. Not to mention that rolling your brigadeiro with brown sugar can also be a tasty way to make the candy more beautiful.

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After cooking the potatoes and kneading them well with a fork, take them to a pan with the other ingredients. Next, turn on the stove over medium heat and start stirring the mixture until it becomes a homogeneous mixture. Now, you will have to keep stirring until the brigadeiro reaches the classic point of releasing from the bottom of the pan.

Finally, turn off the heat and pour the brigadeiro over a plate or refractory where you will have to wait to cool down. Once the brigadeiro is completely cold, take it to the fridge for just 10 minutes, and it will be enough to firm up. Now all you have to do is roll the brigadeiros in the size you want and decorate them with the option of your choice!
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