Discover the 4 MOST exotic and strange drinks in the world

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Anyone who travels around the world has the privilege of getting to know different realities and cultures, some of them extraordinary and others a little exotic. For example, cuisines around the world surprise and scare travelers, and if you doubt it, then check out which strangest drinks in the world Next!

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Would you drink any of these drinks?

It may seem surprising, but in fact the following beverages are widely consumed in some parts of the world. Through them it is possible to perceive how much some cultures differ from ours, to the point that some frightening things are taken for granted. So fasten your seat belts and get ready for a cross-cultural journey!

Mouse Wine (South Korea and China)

All cultures have some home remedy, as is the case with the various teas here in Brazil. However, in South Korea and China there is a recipe beyond strange, the Wine of Mice, made with puppies drowned in rice wine and fermented for two years. According to the oldest, this recipe cures several diseases, including asthma.

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Kumis (Central Asia)

Those who go to countries like Turkey or Lebanon can try Kumis, a calcium-rich drink made from mare or donkey milk. In this case, this milk will go through a fermentation process that will last a few days or weeks, and in the end it will have a very strong and sour taste that is for few.

Kvass (Russia)

Our third drink is a hit in the Russian summer, but it has a rather strange recipe. This is because it is made from fermented rye bread, and the preparation of the bread will determine what the final color of the Kvass will be like.

Snake wine (Vietnam)

Finally, we have a drink that scares many tourists because of its main ingredient: snakes. Just as we find fruit compotes or heart of palm around here, in Vietnam it is common to have a large pot of “pickled snake” on the counter. According to local tradition, this snake wine is a powerful aphrodisiac.
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