These are the main symptoms of high blood sugar

Unfortunately, the contemporary lifestyle is leading people towards an unhealthy body. This is due to the lack of physical exercises, but also due to errors in food.

For example, excess sugar in our diet leads to many health problems and, ultimately, diabetes. So watch out for symptoms of too much blood sugar.

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How to recognize if you are consuming too much sugar

Our body usually sends us messages to alert us about our health status. Thus, when there is too much sugar in the blood, there are also some symptoms that indicate this condition. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to our body so that we can reduce sugar levels.

Very thirst

One of the main symptoms of high blood sugar is excessive thirst. This happens because excess sugar provides saturation in our cells, which causes our demand for water to increase.

Desire to urinate excessively

As a result of increased water consumption, there will also be more trips to the bathroom and less ability to spend a long time without urinating. It is even common for people to wake up at dawn to go to the bathroom, which can disrupt sleep.

Difficulty in healing

Do you know when small wounds take a long time to heal, even with proper care? This is also a symptom of excess sugar in the body. In this case, the blood does not properly reach the cut region due to the obstruction in the veins due to sugar.

Blurred vision

Another very common symptom that many people are unaware of is blurred vision. This happens because of the state of imbalance the body is in and because of dehydration. However, most people believe that it is just a myopia symptom.

Very hungry

Finally, we have a symptom that can be decisive for the blood sugar level. This is excessive hunger, since excess blood sugar is equivalent to little glucose available in cells. Therefore, the body demands more energy.

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